There are many things you can do when it comes to self defense to improve your odds of keeping safe and sound. You should perform target practice with your self defense weapon and you should always stay in tuned to your surroundings and take a self defense class. It will not only get you in shape it will help in defending yourself!
There are many instructional avenues out there for you to learn about defense. Take advantage as you can learn quite a bit so you will have better knowledge in the event you are approached by an attacker. This will give you an edge if you have to physically ward off a person. Scout out local instructional classes in your area or buy a self defense training video to train at home. This will at least teach you the basic moves of defense against an attacker. If you should decide to take a class or self teach, practice the moves over and over again so you will be better prepared and remember what you have learned.
Staying safe means constantly looking around at your surroundings, beware of what’s going on. While walking make sure you keep your head up and moving in a circular motion exuding confidence so you keep awareness in your mind. The last thing you want to do is make yourself look like an easy target to a would-be attacker. Walking with your head down and not paying attention is a disaster waiting to happen. Your would-be attacker will know this! It also allows him/her to come at you by surprise.
Never let your guard down to an attacker. The last thing they want is attention drawn at them. Your assailant would not expect it and this might help you as he/she might be thrown off by that. Make a lot of noise, scream as loud as you can, yelling, the assailant will not be expecting this reaction and might just want to get out of there before any attention is drawn to the situation. Never allow yourself to be an easy target.

To help avoid these types of situations, meaning, physical contact you should carry a self defense weapon at all times. Pepper Sprays, Stun Guns and TASER products are all good choices for self defense weapons. It is most important that you however, choose which one is right for you. Personal Alarms are also a great defense device. They might not look like much but they can put out some very loud sound. These devices are meant to draw attention. Whichever self defense weapon you choose to carry, make sure you ALWAYS have it in the on and ready position. It will not do you any good if you have it tucked away somewhere! Your weapon needs to be located where you have immediate access.
The best SELF DEFENSE tip I can give you is to always try to stay safe, out of precarious situations, walk with someone else if possible and in lit areas and carry a Self Defense Weapon. Make sure you are fully versed on its operation and make a lot of noise. Remember noise attracts attention. The last thing your attacker wants is attention.
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