When using Pepper Sprays there are a lot of aspects you should consider so you are properly using the pepper sprays. Make sure you are spraying away from your eyes and aim directly at your attackers face. Pepper spray could help save your life in a situation you otherwise might not be able to physically handle. It is very important to learn the proper methods of shooting pepper sprays so you can get it right the first time. The last thing you want is to have your self defense weapons backfire on you.
The basic teachings to spraying pepper sprays is to first make sure the safety is turned off and your pepper spray is in ready mode to spray. Hold the pepper spray canister in the upright position and press down on the trigger. Make sure you are physically balanced with both feet placed steadily on the ground.
Your aim should be directly into the assailants face spraying him/her into their eyes. Continue spraying and follow their head as they try to get away from the spray. Once you have pepper sprayed your attacker and you know it is a good time to get away don’t waste anytime go for help.
Make sure you keep your attention focused on the situation at hand. Don’t take your eyes off your attacker while spraying. Many individuals close their eyes while using pepper sprays which takes the focus off your target.

Do not show your potential attacker that you are nervous on using your pepper spray. Take control of the situation; let your assailant know you mean business by not letting him/her see your fear. I know this seems hard to do, but you must have control, if you show you are afraid it can backfire on you.
While spraying your pepper sprays make sure you keep your finger down on the trigger for at least a few seconds for the pepper spray to be utilized to its potential. If you don’t use this method the pepper spray will not spray out as it should and you will not get the effects that it should give.
When purchasing pepper sprays it is a good idea to practice with it. Set your target up and use the spray on it. Always keep your attention on the situation at hand, never let your guard down and do not let your attacker feel your fear. Always make sure you a going for the face area while using your pepper sprays. The most important thing to remember; is to ALWAYS have your pepper spray in ready mode. You purchased it for a reason; don’t forget that you have it. Keep it on your person at all times. The element of surprise to your attacker is key! He or she probably has not experienced being sprayed with pepper spray and won’t expect it nor the hurting feeling that comes with getting sprayed with pepper sprays.
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