There are so many Stun Gun styles, types and voltage how do you choose which gun is right for you? The singular most reason you would consider buying stun guns is to help in defending you or a loved one from a possible attacker. No one wants to be caught up in this type of situation and we should all want to do what it takes to prevent and in the event needed protect ourselves and loved ones from violent attacks.
Everyone has a different opinion on which stun gun is the best, I can tell you more power, more effectiveness in bringing someone to their knees. Stun guns have high voltage and low amperage; some stun guns are stronger than others. Stun guns are an extremely valuable less-lethal means of defending yourself. In case you are worried you will get a shock while using the stun gun the answer is NO! That is the splendor of high voltage and low amperage. The amperage is a key component in how severe one could get wounded. Most stun guns have a lot less amperage than in your home. An example of high voltage and low amperage would be; when shocked by a door knob or something metal this give off approximately 25,000 volts which is enough to hurt a little bit!
When a would-be attacker is hit with a stun gun the energy is casted off into the assailant’s body, the stun gun interrupts the neurological muscles. This depletes the muscles of all blood sugars and turns them into Lactic acid. This will make the attacker very unstable and disoriented. Contact at a ½ second causes the assailant’s muscles to contract and cause a reaction. A 3 to 5 second hit by a more powerful stun gun will take down an attacker to his knees. Less voltage stun guns will do a good job, but the higher the voltage the better effect it will have and allows you more time to get to safety.
Stun guns are a great self defense weapon and will help you. Always have it with you, in the ready to go mode. Fear is not an option, you must make sure you stay in control and use your weapon in defense against an attacker. These devices will help put your mind at ease, your children going to college, your job requires you to walk to and from your car from a dark dimly lit parking garage, many, many reasons why you should carry one.
Can you think of a reason why you shouldn’t own a Stun Gun?
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