Stun guns can successfully be used as a self defense weapon. One should carry a stun gun while walking, jogging, in your car, everywhere. Stun guns are a small electrical weapon with two electrodes extending out from its base. Stun guns are compact enough to carry in the palm of your hand, your pocket, purse or anywhere! When you set off the stun gun, it exudes high voltage and a small amount of amperage. Because the amperage is at a very low concentration, stun guns are considered as a less-lethal weapon as you will not cause any severe and lasting injuries. Most people believe that the voltage is what makes the stun gun, not true, it is the amperage!
Stun guns will immediately incapacitate an attacker utilizing 3 to 5 second contact with your target. The voltage of the stun guns will instantly translate the individual’s blood sugar into lactic acid. This instantaneously depletes the assailant’s muscle energy and the attacker cannot move about. The neurological impulse which directs and controls muscle movement is interrupted. The attacker will become unstable, puzzled, will not be able to stand. This situation will remain for 5 to 10 minutes, long enough for you to seek help and/or just get to safety.
When you touch your target with Stun guns they are more successful when you reach from the waste up to the shoulder area. This way the whole body will be affected. By touching someone’s leg or arm only, lessons the chances that the stun gun will have the same affect as hitting from the waste and up to the shoulders. By you turning on the stun gun and discharging it can be enough to send a would-be attacker off in the other direction as the sound from the electrodes are loud and offensive.
Stun guns are effective on any sized person and will not loose its affect due to alcohol or drug use.
Stun guns are a highly effective self defense device, one should make sure that you always keep the battery charged and carry with you at all times.
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