Women exist with a firm amount of vicious crimes taking place. A woman 21 years or older has a one in four possibility of becoming a victim of a brutal crime in her life span. There is many informational tools that woman can use to help aid them in reducing their chances of becoming a statistic. These tools will allow you to be more educated on alertness, staying focused and how to fight back.
Self defense weapons will also aid you in defending against a would-be attacker.
Pepper sprays trigger the eyes to tear, burn and sometimes temporary blindness occurs. Pepper sprays come in a variety of styles and sizes, they are compact, affordable and easy to conceal. An example would be the Lipstick pepper spray it’s small, looks just like an ordinary lipstick and will leave your attacker confused for up to 45 minutes. Enough time for you to get to safety or go to the police.
Stun guns are widely used by women – they are small compact self defense weapons that pack a lot of power yet will not cause permanent damage. The PRETENDER is a very popular stun gun model. It looks just like a cell phone; it has a very bright LED light and packs 4.5 million volts. It comes with either a black or pink casing and is one of the top selling self defense weapons for a woman.
The TASER C2 is the weapon of choice for civilian use. It uses electrical currents to disrupt voluntary control of the muscles. If someone is struck by a TASER C2 they will encounter a stimulation of their motor and sensory nerves, resulting in acute involuntary muscle spasm. The TASER C2 will deliver a strong electrical shock while you are up to 15 feet away from you would-be attacker. This defense device will also penetrate through up to two inches of clothing. This self defense weapon is the ultimate device as you do not have to have any contact with the attacker.
Violent behavior unfortunately comes regardless of measures you may have taken to elude it. There is usually no chance to call for help, and a woman is required to encounter her attacker on her own. These self defense weapons; stun guns, pepper sprays and TASER will help aid you in defending yourself and help your confidence knowing you have a tool that can dramatically help you to ward off an attacker.
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