If you are carrying any type of Self Defense Weapons as pepper sprays, stun guns or something as simple as a set of keys in your hand, remember the element of surprise is your best ally.
Whatever you do never let your attacker know your next move. Threatening your would-be attacker with any type of weaponry only gives him or her opportunity to be more prepared in retaliation. This will give them the chance to take your weapon from you.
Obviously the best thing to do is avoid situations so you don’t have to use your weapon but as much as we want to sometimes it just finds us and we are left to stand our ground.
If you have a self defense weapon on you, make sure you have it in ready mode. If you are carrying it you better make sure you use it like your life depended on it because your life just might depend on it. Don’t be afraid to use your weapon. It’s him or you, remember that.
Never pull out your weapon and bluff. If you are going to pull out your weapon you better be prepared to use it. If you don’t use it mostly likely your would-be attacker might take it from you. Remember you want to surprise your assailant with it, once you pull your weaponry, immediately use it. There’s no time to think about it.
Don’t forget your self defense weapon is made so you may get to safety away from your attacker.
Once you have used your weapon on the attacker and they drop, don't hang around and wait. Get to safety right away and call the police.
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