This Keychain Personal Alarm as compact as it is packs alot of sound!
Whether you live in the midst of a big city or are visiting, it is fundamental to know how to stay safe. Most out of towners who may hail from a small rural area may be set back a bit while visiting a big city by the quantity of criminal and violence that occurs, by awareness and keeping in tuned to your surroundings while visiting bigger cities you have a better chance of staying safer no matter where you travel to.
It is imperative that you understand the surroundings you are in and are alert to it. Tourists are great targets in this environment. Be cautious on where you go, and concentrate on everything around you. A would-be criminal doesn’t want to be seen prior to a crime and is lurking in the background waiting on people who appear to be unfamiliar in the territory they are exploring.
Night life is exciting in the big cities, stay in an area that is well lighted. The last thing you want is to find yourself on a dark street or alley; this is the perfect area an attacker is hoping to take his victim. Always try to be with a group of people while walking in the big city or anywhere for that matter. Assailants are less likely to take on a group. If you have to walk on your own, walk quickly, pay close attention and get to your destination as fast as possible. If you are approaching a vehicle get in as fast as you can and make sure you lock the doors before you do anything else. Criminals thrive on the element of surprise; you don’t want to let them have an opportunity.
Many, many people are out and about in the big city, you stand a higher chance of being assaulted. These criminals that are lurking are watching you and will prowl the victims they believe are carrying a lot of cash or appear to have valuable items. Separate your money so it’s not all in your wallet or pocket. This way you don’t have to show all the money you are carrying when you are purchasing something. As farfetched as this may seem some people actually carry a money belt on them. Although this may seem like a great idea, the whole point here is not to have all your money in one spot. Watch your wallet, there are many pick pockets out on the street, they are very good at what they do too. They can take your wallet without you even noticing until you go to get money from it. Utilizing your front pockets is probably a better spot to keep your credit cards and other items.
If you are carrying a purse, which I don’t suggest, make sure you have placed closely to your body and hold on to it tightly. A wise choice is to wear a fanny pack with the opening in the front of you.
Be wary of people who may approach you on the street. Obviously not all are bad, but you must believe that anyone can be a potential threat. Let’s face it even the best of looking individuals can be your worst nightmare. If you don’t feel comfortable with the conversation excuse yourself and continue on. You may discover that they are following you, make sure you stay in a well lit public place. If you are capable at this point you will need to either find a policeman, which in the big cities are usually out and about on every corner or go to the police station.
While it is important that you always carry some sort of protection, a personal alarm may be just the device for big city trips. These personal alarms are meant to be heard and draw attention to the situation at hand. The last thing a would-be criminal wants is attention on him.
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