Pepper spray seems to be the most popular self defense weapon for women, pepper sprays come in a large variety of styles, sizes and functions. Make sure you check the expiration date periodically as they do expire and lose their effectiveness. Learning how to maneuver pepper spray prior to having to use it is very important. Some styles have safety features that will need to be disabled prior to use.
Whistles might not seem like a high tech piece of self defense equipment, but they are, easy to carry, easy to use and cheap! Make sure the one you purchase has enough decibal to be heard from a long distance away. Whistles come in two forms one being the type you have to blow into and the other with a push button with a push of your thumb. Some newer whistles can actually be heard up to one mile away.
Stun guns come in a large variety of sizes, styles and strengths and are often small enough but still provide a lot of voltage. The most popular stun gun is the cell phone with detachable wrist strap. This wrist strap, if the attacker should get the stun gun away from you will detach and disarm the stun gun. This way the stun gun cannot be used against you. This model particularly is easily carried in your purse or pocket and comes with 800,000 volts of power! That’s enough to take your attacker down and let you get to safety. An attacker will most likely give up early when you start to discharge it and they see the sparks starting between prongs.
There are a large variety of Electronic personal alarms and are often loud enough to be heard for well over one mile away, and can also be loud enough to harm your attacker, beware the sound may also affect you. Some personal alarms are made to carry on your person and others are for hanging on doors, windows, etc. The Door Guard Alarm is a wonderful product. Compact and hangs on any door knob.
Carrying one of these tools with you can tremendously increase your chances for safety and can even give you that extra sense of security and confidence that you need. Don't wait until something happens before you take steps to defend yourself. Act now and get one of these tools to carry with you. We all need to protect ourselves.
If you do a lot of travel and stay at motels/hotels frequently I suggest you get the door alarm. It will sound a high pitch alarm if someone tries to enter the room.
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