Upon firing, compressed nitrogen projects two TASER probes 15 feet at a speed of 135 feet per second. An electrical signal transmits throughout the area where the probes make contact with the body or clothing. The result is an instant loss of the attacker’s neuromuscular control and any ability to perform coordinated action. AIR TASER uses an automatic timing mechanism to apply the electric charge. The TASER releases an electric current in a pre-set time sequence (an initial seven seconds followed by several 1.8 second breaks for a total time of about 30 seconds in each cycle). This cycle ensures that the nervous system of the attacker does not recover instantly to allow him to remove the probes. The follow-on bursts disrupt the process of re-equilibration of the nervous system. While the target is disabled, the user can place the device on the ground and escape.
Is High Voltage Lethal?
Someone can receive a 25,000-volt shock of static electricity from a doorknob on a dry day without harm. Typical household current of 110 volts is dangerous because it can pump many amperes of current throughout the body indefinitely. The AIR TASER power supply consists of an alkaline 9-Volt battery that is capable of supplying less than three watts of electrical power for a few minutes.
Any after affects?
A person hit with an AIR TASER will feel dazed for several minutes. The pulsating electrical output causes involuntary muscle contractions and results in a sense of vertigo. It can momentarily stun or render an attacker unconscious. Yet, the AIR TASER’s low electrical amperage and short duration of pulsating current, ensures a non-lethal charge. It does not cause permanent damage or long-term after affects to muscles, nerves or other body functions.
Probes Miss?
The AIR TASER can be used in a touch-stun mode. The user is provided with a final backup if the probes miss the target. Should the user miss or engage a second attacker, he can touch the unit directly to the attacker and it will work like a powerful touch-stun device.
Best Shot at Maximum Range?
As long as the spread of the probes is at least six inches, the TASER will be extremely effective. To ensure that the spread is greater than six inches, the TASER should be fired at a target several feet away. The optimum shot is from seven to ten feet away from the target to achieve maximum effect. At seven to ten feet away - the spread of the probes will be approximately 16 inches, ensuring that the attacker receives the most efficient T-Wave flow.
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