If you are a mailman or some who just needs to deal with dogs on a normal basis, or are nervous about dog attacks in your locality it is significant for you to be equipped with Dog Repellent. We offer a few different product options for you to protect yourself or your children, there are certainly equipment that can help! Take into account the Mace Muzzle or the Dog Chaser. Either option is a great choice in keeping yourself defended against dog attacks.
One of the first things you should think about when looking to protect yourself from aggressive dogs is the use of a Ultrasonic Dog Repellent. This item will produce a frequency that is between 20,000 Hz to 25,000 Hz. This scale is impossible to hear for the human ear, but is heard by cats and dogs. This can be relatively agonizing to them. It also has a flashing LED light that will keep the animal bewildered. All you need to do is to point it at the dog in question. The feeling that is created by the Ultrasonic Dog Repellent is dominant enough to make the dog tremendously uncomfortable.
When you want to retain a protected space between you and a hostile dog the Ultrasonic Dog Repellent is extremely essential. The blend of bright lights and hurting sounds will in no doubt make the animal not want to come close to you!

What would happen if the animal is already too close for comfort than you want? This is where you should choose the dog repellent spray as Mace Muzzle! This spray contains approximately 0.75 fluid ounces of pepper solution. It only has temporary effect on the animal.
Just spraying the Mace Muzzle into the animals face is all it takes! This will generally be sufficient time for you to get away. The Mace Muzzle is released in a pyramid shaped cloud and up to a distance of approximately ten feet; the closer the animal is to you, the more potent the spray is. Make sure that you use the bottle in an upright position and watch for wind conditions while spraying.
Both of the options above are extremely effective and very dominant measures. These methods should only be used on an animal in an emergency situation only, should never use these on a dog that is friendly
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