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We started this business because we care and are dedicated in helping you purchase the right self defense equipment for your protection needs. Your safety is our business and we will continue to provide you with quality self defense weapons at the lowest possible prices. Shop Us! We continually offer great deals! If you find a product on another web store of exact match and the price is lower we will match that price. Guaranteed!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Why won't you Protect you?

I'm sure while watching the television news you can understand why so many of us have decided to purchase personal safety devices for ourselves.  With all the assaults, murders, rapes, carjacking, domestic violence and people just plain going off their rocker and taking down incident people for the hell of it, it’s no wonder why you wouldn’t want to protect yourself.   

Carrying self defense weapons is not only smart, it’s the wisest decision you could make for you and your loved ones.  There are so many crazies out there today; it’s only a matter of time before you or someone you know becomes someone’s next target.  

I know many of you will read this and think oh she’s just crazy and being plain paranoid.  I’m telling you this out of safety concerns not paranoia.  I can write a thousand articles a thousand different ways about the same issue and yet many of you choose to ignore your personal safety.  I can’t understand why people have this belief that this can’t happen to me.  It can and if you are a woman especially your odds just tripled of getting attacked.
Look around, do you know someone who has been attacked?  A friend, co-worker, relative?  If you don’t then you have been one of the lucky ones up to now. 

That person you just walked by could have been last night’s victim to someone.  Maybe, just maybe that person was smart enough and had a self defense device on them and used it to save their life.  There are many victims who walk amongst us.  The numbers aren’t made up, thousands of people right now as I’m writing this are being murdered, raped, assaulted, carjacked and violated by someone they know.  This is serious and one needs to take matters into their own hands.  Don’t allow yourself to be the criminal’s next victim.

Purchasing you a self defense weapon and/or home security protection in this era has become a necessity.  With so many out of work the crime rate has sky rocketed.  There’s no quick fix to this and won’t be its only going to get worse.  It’s not just the common criminal out there today, unfortunately there’s people like you and me who have lost everything due to this economy and have become desperate and turned to crime. 

We can’t take our safety for granted anymore personal or otherwise.

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