Going to college is an exciting moment in a young women or man’s life. It’s the start of becoming an adult and doing what you believe is your future. We as parents want our children to go to school, to have a college educated career.
What do you do when your student comes home on break and shows tension, nervousness about returning to school knowing they will need to walk around the campus alone at times?
Students have become scared on college campus and rightfully so. Statistics show that one in every five college women will be raped. The men are bullied, attacked and robbed. These threats may come from other students or a dangerous outsider. It can be dangerous on campus grounds and the surrounding areas as well.
If you have a college aged child who will be attending school, make sure to pack a self defense spray, or other self defense product, in their suitcase to college.
If you have a college aged child who will be attending school, make sure to pack a self defense spray, or other self defense product, in their suitcase to college.
Pepper spray now comes in many disguises this is great news as others won't notice that your child is carrying a form of protection. Pepper Pens are a classic example. Who would think that an ordinary looking pen is a self defense weapon! Mace pepper spray offers walking weights for the exercise enthusiasts. This device looks just like one pound weights you would hold in your hands while walking or jogging, totally undetectable. Pepper sprays also look like a lipsticks...the choices are endless. These self defense products are compact and easy to carry and are a must for all students.
Don’t send your child off to school without protection. They will be glad you did and so will you.
Don’t send your child off to school without protection. They will be glad you did and so will you.
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