As women you should take priority in Self defense and self protection for yourself. Women are mostly violated by rape crimes with assaults coming in at second place. These crimes are usually perpetrated by men by whom most women know. Men perform these crimes not because they want sex but because of the feeling of governance over any one person it gives them.
Assault on women is commonly done due to men believing women cannot fight back, they are weak and don’t have it in them to take care of themselves. You can prevent these types of crimes against you by preventing it from happening in the first place. Avoidance of badly lit areas and being alone can help. However, this sometimes is just not enough and situations will find you regardless.
According to the Bureau of Justice most rapes are committed in your own home. Forty percent, staggering statistics isn’t it? In the event that you cannot prevent a possible rape against you, the best chance of you surviving is to fight back. Fighting back is not only necessary in your chances of making it through; it’s your right to protect one’s self.
Personal self defense is crucial especially being a woman as the statistics show that women are excellent candidates of becoming a victim of a violent crime in their life. Statistics show that a 21 year old woman has a 25% chance of suffering violent crime in her life. Don’t be afraid of self dense, it’s your right to defend for survival. It’s the most important decision she can make.
Women who try to fend themselves from becoming victims by utilizing the system are at greater risk of becoming a victim or even murdered. These targeted women may be filing charges, getting restraining order or even in hiding. These women may still end up dead. There attacker is someone they know and may not stop until you are just that. Avoiding any violent attack is better that attempting to survive one.
There are many different crimes that women are mostly at risk of. Domestic violence, rape, purse snatching, being stalked, there are thousands who are experiencing these types of crimes daily. Women need to stand tall and realize that they don’t have to give up, surrender to it or endure it. What you may not realize is you have up to the very last second to take control and do something to empower the situation, this can dramatically affect the outcome of your situation.
By preventing and making sure you are limiting yourself from becoming a part of a bad situation which may lead to an attack is crucial. Of course this isn’t always going to be a perfect measure of effectiveness and you may have the need to defend against an attack.
Women have a great sense of intuition and should always rely on it. If you believe you are approaching a bad situation, if your brain clearly thinks something isn’t quite right, don’t doubt yourself, believe it and get out immediately. You also need to put your thinking power in a self defense mode, believe in yourself, do what it takes to keep yourself safe, you need to form the right staying-alive attitude.
Utilizing self defense weapons can help you in prevention of a possible attacker. If you are thinking of purchasing personal alarms or a whistle remember they are not an effective way to prevent an attack. These items are good at drawing attention to the situation at hand, however they cannot be used as a sufficient means of protection. You are also taking into chance that if you use these alarms solely you are taking a gamble on the hope that not only someone will hear it, but that someone will take the chance of helping you.
Stun guns are a handheld defense device and are battery-operated. These devices send an electric shock into an attacker. You will need to have physical contact with the attacker in order to use a stun gun.
TASER guns send metal barbs over a distance to attach themselves to an assailant; they are attached to the hand-held device through wires, which are electrified to immobilize an assailant at a distance of up to fifteen feet. These two self defense devices are very effective at stopping assailants dead in their tracks. It is the advice that women who may be interested in purchasing these devices you may want to speak with your local police department on whether or not it is legal in your area.
Pepper sprays are the most common method of self defense device for women. Pepper spray is exceptionally effective because it doesn’t depend solely on the infliction of pain to immobilize an assailant. Pepper sprays cause an assailant to be temporarily blinded and have a lot of coughing and choking. For the women who are thinking of purchasing pepper spray for self defense, remember to purchase pepper spray that has Scoville Heat Units of between one and two million, this is the most effective spray for self defense.
No matter which method of selfdefense devices you choose it’s very important that you carry it on you at all times. Make it a part of your normal daily routine to have it with you, place your self defense weapon with your car keys so you remember to carry it.
Self defense devices won’t help you if you don’t carry it.
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