Many of us at one time or another are very concerned about the safety of a loved one? We live in an ever changing world and although most people are good citizens there are those out there that wish us harm. These are the people who would rob us for our money, our valuables or would go over the top to commit physical harm to us. Taking the initial steps in preparation for you and your loved ones safety is not being paranoid, it’s simply being smart. You want to be prepared in the event something should happen. This will give you an upper edge on your attacker.
Preparation is the key component in personal defense, whether or not you believe you need it at the moment is irrelevant. You prepare now before something happens. If you never use your self defense weapons and I hope you never do, it will still be the smartest possible purchase choice you could have made.
By preparing you and your loved ones in self defense doesn’t mean you need to go out and buy a pistol. Carrying firearms is illegal in many states so if this is the methods you choose make sure it’s legal in your state. Many individuals do not want to carry a firearm, which is a matter of choice. Guns are great protection however they can be lethal and you may have to suffer the consequences of that person’s death. What if you had a gun and it’s confiscated from you by the attacker you might as well consider yourself dead. For these reasons alone I don’t suggest purchasing a firearm.
The sound a Stun Gun makes is a great example, when this is heard and the sparks are seen there’s a great chance the criminal will move on to someone else. He or she isn’t going to want to take the chance of getting zapped! Close contact with your assailant will warrant a Stun Gun more so than a TASER Gun or pepper spray, however all these methods are great and if used correctly will perform as they are meant to.
A TASER Gun is designed to perform within and up to 15 feet from you. This allows you plenty of space, once you shoot the assailant with the gun, put it down and run to safety preferably to the police department to report the incident. By doing this you will also be able to replace the TASER gun with Taser International under its warranty.
Pepper spray is another great defense device. Many under estimate its abilities. Don’t it works. Again if used correctly. It will sting an attacker’s eyes and cause coughing, gagging, and just make breathing downright difficult. It won’t kill him but it will disable him and give you time to get to safety. Pepper spray comes in many different styles, sizes, colors and strengths. They all will perform well however depending on what you choose will depend on its ability.
If you don’t carry your weapons they can't help you.
Make it a part of your everyday thoughts. Keep it with your car keys so you know that you need to bring it with you. If you want to learn more about self defense weapons contact us we’ll be glad to help you.
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