Women are unfortunately targets of crime in nine out of ten cases and for this reason they are great candidates for carrying self defense products. They are targets of carjacking, home invasion, street crime, rape and everything else you can think of. We don't just say this to scare you; we say it because it's a fact. Check with your local police for evidence.
By knowing that you are a potential target and taking steps in your personal protection defense you can help in preventing these violent crimes from happening to you. Taking a basic self defense course is a good first start in setting a foundation for a self defense plan. This class can also provide you with better knowledge and educate you on your personal safety.
Secondly, purchasing self defense products to help aid you in defense is a wise choice. Self defense products have been used by law enforcement agencies and military personnel for many years in successfully subduing assailants. Self defense sprays, stun guns and Taser products are carried by police officers as part of their arsenal of weapons. In this country there isn't a policeman who does not have a pepper spray on his belt. Mailmen and women with the postal service also carry self defense sprays for defense against dog attacks.
As there are so many self defense products to choose from on the market today we have devised what we believe to be some of the most effective self defense devices for you to carry.
- The Pretender Stun Gun with its 4.5 million volts and its disguised looks of a camera cell phone, will provide you with enough take down power in a matter of 3 to 5 seconds of stunning. It will put the attacker out of commission for up to 15 minutes. This affords you plenty of time to escape.
- The Mace Pepper Spray Gun shoots up to 25 feet and looks just like a small pistol. This self defense spray shoots the pepper spray at 185 mph with no fear of blow back. This wonder device is great protection against dog attacks and multiple attackers. Smart choice in our book.
- Taser C2 part of the Taser family is the smartest and most effective self defense device on the market today. Its effectiveness is nearly at 100 percent efficient and has better stopping power than a 9mm handgun. This Taser gun provides the same technology that police officers use daily.
So while purchasing self defense products take these three items into serious consideration as by utilizing anyone of these great devices will place you ahead of your attacker. They are the most excellent self defense products, the most well-liked and in fact the most efficient.
Remember when shopping for self defense products some devices are not legal in some states, it is recommended that you check with your local and state laws prior to buying.
When are you getting yours?
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