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Monday, March 26, 2012

You are Safer with Pepper Spray than without it

Self defense sprays are less-lethal and very popular with agencies as police officers, security and military personnel as well as private citizens and with successful results.  If used properly, this self defense device can disable an attacker temporarily and allow you to safety.  It's safe and effective response will aid you in threats you may come upon.

Although pepper sprays are legal in most states for carry by private citizens there are some that have restrictions on use and sizing.  Be sure to check with your local and state laws prior to purchasing self defense sprays or any other types of self defense weapons.

If you own self defense sprays and plan on traveling and taking your spray along, I would check with the airlines in regards to whether or not you can pack it.  You don't want to be arrested because you took it with you unknowingly.  The airlines have certain guidelines to follow so prior to packing make sure you contact them.

In order for self defense sprays to perform to their fullest you must make sure you spray it directly to the eyes, nose and mouth area.  By doing so, it will cause severe eye tearing with temporary blindness, burning sensation and shortness of breath.  These affects will last up to 45 minutes allowing you time to escape.

If you should need to use your self defense spray, never warn the attacker you are about to spray them.  You want to have an element of surprise and not let him have a chance to take it from you.  Surprising the attacker is best, warning the attacker will only put you at a greater risk.

Law Enforcement agencies use their weak hand when spraying a criminal so their stronger hand is free to strong hold if necessary, given this information you may want to practice shooting your pepper spray in this same manner.

If at all possible don't let the attacker get any closer than ten feet, this said make sure the pepper spray you purchase will go further than this footage.  Self defense sprays effects may take a moment to kick in so by allowing some distance between you and the attacker is a smart idea.  

Whether you are using foam, gel, stream or fogger models there is a great chance you will get some blow back, wind can do this or having direct contact with the attacker after you have sprayed them.

Practicing with self defense sprays will prove to be extremely beneficial to you.  You will become very familiar with how it works, sprays and how far it will go.  This actually helps you in knowing that your pepper spray does work and you have the experience in shooting it.  Remember, if you do need to spray someone in defense you will need to replace the unit as soon as possible so you are not without protection.

By practicing you can also develop a feel for the pepper spray canister.  You don't want to have to really look at it prior to using it, you want to know it, aim it and fire it without having to think to much.

Be carrying self defense spray in your hand while walking to and from places allows you to be ready at all times.  Don't bury it in your pocketbook.  You also need to watch on how it fits in your pants pocket, by placing the spray in your pocket you may not be able to retrieve it quickly enough.  If you are one who chooses to holster it, place the canister inside the holster upside down, I say this because you want it in the right direction when you draw it.  By placing it upside down in the holster you will automatically have it in the right position to fire.

Everyone has different effects when sprayed.  You may spray one and they will have immediate effects while the next person is only mildly affected.  You will not necessarily know this upon spraying the attacker.  A general guideline to follow is that people who are drug users, alcohol induced or deranged tend to not be affected by pepper sprays.

Pepper sprays are also good for warding off a violent animal attack.  Using the pepper spray on the animal can stop them from attacking you and no one will be the wiser.  It will not permanently harm the animal.

Having self defense sprays with you at all times to defend you is an excellent option.  You will be much safer having it than you would be not having it.  Purchase yours today.


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