Most of the people I know who have a carry permit for their pistol also carry a folding knife as a backup self defense weapon. These friends of mine go to the shooting range or in their backyards quite often to practice shooting targets but none of them practice with their folding knives that they carry. I think this is quite typical for America at large.
In this article, I go over a few of the reasons I think this mentality is wrong and it's just as important to practice with your folding knife as it is your pistol.
There is a question I hear a lot from people asking who have recently been issued a carry permit; "What do I do when I can't carry my pistol somewhere?" The common answer for this question by civilians who have had carry permits for sometime is, "Carrying is a lifestyle and I make a habit of avoiding places like that." This is a horrible answer. It's not a solution and is someones pretend world where carrying a gun wherever they go because they have made some kind of a habit. Here are a few places where civilians are not allowed to carry a firearm:
- Workplace: Most companies forbid their employees to carry firearms on the job
- Courtrooms (Jury Duty), post office, DMV and other government establishments
- Any commercial airline travel
- Colleges and all sporting events that take place on campus
- High Schools and all sporting events that take place on campus
I think that most everyone with a sliver of common sense knows that most shooting sprees happen in places like these. But those same people just pretend they can avoid these places. In reality, for most of the civilian population in this country, this is not possible. If all you have is firearms training then when you enter these places, where most of the mass shootings in our country take place, you are putting down you only line of real self defense.
You don't have to be defenseless if you take the time to train with your knife. There are studies that have shown that a person armed with a weapon such as a knife can travel the distance of about yards in 2 seconds. If you train with it, you can get even faster. I'm not advising anyone to bring a knife to a gun fight but at the same time you should never underestimate what someone can do with a knife, especially if that person has intent and training.
Here are some facts for the female audience (or parents who have daughters). Women who are between the ages of 16 and 19 are more likely than anyone in this country to be the victim of a violent crime with women ages 20-24 in at a close second. In the case of rape, half of all victims are under 18. A third of all rapes that occur happen to women between the ages of 12-17. It just seems odd to me that our country is more concerned about grown men protecting themselves than the segment of the country that is statistically more likely to be violently attacked, raped or abducted. (You have to be 21 or over to obtain a carry permit in any state).
Remember there are a lot of politicians out there dedicated to disarming the American public.
Rep. William L. Clay (D-St. Louis, MO), said the Brady Bill is "The minimum step" that Congress should take to control handguns. "We need much stricter gun control, and eventually we should bar the ownership of handguns except in a few cases".
Senator Dianne Feinsteine Democrat-California; Interview with 60 Minutes (1995) "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban picking up everyone of them (firearms), Mr. and Mrs. America turn them all in, I would have done it".
The real tragedy of it all is the fact that every time there is another shooting spree in this country, we come on step closer to the disarmament of the American people. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop these shooting rampages from happening. They are just the byproducts of a society that has become almost completely morally bankrupt.
The United States economy will soon be surpassed by China's in real terms by 2016. That is, if the IMF's latest forecasts are correct. The sad part is we are so in debt to this massive communist superpower that they are actually starting to strongly influence our economic policies. Don't forget that China forbids any of its own civilians to own a firearm.
Maybe we will get lucky and our biggest creditor, who at any time can stop loaning us money and our whole society comes to a screeching halt, won't care if all their debtors are armed. However it looks like they really don't have to worry about it because our own government is taking care of the problem. Don't think so? Remember Katrina? I know these victims of gun confiscation in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina have something to say:
- Buell Teel - "Automatic rifles pointed at you, you don't have any choice...They didn't care what your rights were; they were going to deny them. It's not America as we've known it before; it's changing"
- Robert Zas - "Heed the warning of what this was, it's like Australia. All of sudden, boom, they've got our rights."
- Richard Styron - "They took 'em, and they didn't have a right to take 'em, they didn't even have a reason to take 'em."
- Wayne Schum - "We are living proof that all they have to do is say, 'look-this is the law'."
So what exactly would be your response if a bunch of policemen had M16's pointed at you and your family, safety off and one in the chamber? Seriously, when the police come for your guns all the tough talk stops and you hand them over. I sincerely hope this never happens to anyone, but in the world we live in it is a very strong possibility.
What I'm getting at is anyone who believes in practical self defense training should incorporate knife and club training into their firearms routine. this is not a guarantee to save you and your family from all harm but nothing is and it is far better than firearms training by itself. Rest assured that for self defense purposes, a good pair of combat boots, a great folding knife, bulletproof vest and a billy club can work wonders if you keep a low profile.
Rick Saxby, ""
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