About Us!

We started this business because we care and are dedicated in helping you purchase the right self defense equipment for your protection needs. Your safety is our business and we will continue to provide you with quality self defense weapons at the lowest possible prices. Shop Us! We continually offer great deals! If you find a product on another web store of exact match and the price is lower we will match that price. Guaranteed!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Seniors can be Easy Targets and need Personal Protection Tools

The individuals who are targeted most frequently other than women is the senior citizen community.  The criminals are looking for what they believe to be easy targets, therefore choosing the elderly folks.  For this reason it's very important they pay close attention to their surroundings and read up on helpful safety tips.

Exuding confidence in yourself can be one of the best tips you will receive.  Criminals seek out individuals who appear weak and timid thus in the criminal mind being an easier target.  By having confidence they are less likely to take you into consideration for an assault.  When you walk with your head held high and appear as if you have a purpose the criminal usually stays away.  If you need to go out somewhere, if at all possible bring along a friend or two.  Crowds are not something a predator wants to take on.

When parking your vehicle try to park as close to the entrance as possible, keep your car away from heavily scrubbed areas and dark spots.  Robbers are lurking in un-lit areas where there are not too many people.  If you must have your purse with you and if it's possible to place it around your neck rather than holding in your hand or on your arm will make it more difficult for the criminal to take, however caution must be taken as you can get injured by them yanking it when it's around your neck.  Purse snatching is very common, and the thief will do what he/she can to get what they want.  Try not to have many packages that will absorb both hands when carrying to your car.  Always have your  keys in your hand and ready to unlock the car door.

What would you do if you were approached while in public?  Depending on which way you react can be the difference between becoming a victim and avoiding the situation entirely.  Getting help can detour the assailant from you.  Safety comes with numbers so if you can possibly get help to you within the area by yelling call 911, making a scene, let him know you aren't going to sit idle, these actions will probably make the criminal go on his way.  He's not going to want to have an audience.  

Carrying a cell phone is also very important.  Make sure it's always charged, easily attainable and with you.  We all know that calling 911 you may not get the necessary assistance you may require right away so consider carrying Personal Alarms.  These devices can help make noise to draw attention your way.  Many senior citizens also carry self defense spray.  It would be wise to have both with you as making noise is important and being able to take down the attacker with the pepper spray will allow you to get to safety.

Senior citizens should really consider all options in their personal protection.  It's a bad world out there so purchase you and your loved ones personal alarms and self defense spray so you can help you stay safe.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Take Precautionary Measures in your Personal Protection

To many, it may seem as though we are preaching the same ole thing and for the most part we are, however it's with good reason as we are dedicated in helping you purchase self defense weapons for your personal protection.  We want you to take your personal safety seriously.  After all if you don't who will?  It's up to you to take precautionary measures in your own well being, no one can be there to protect you 24/7.  

In an earlier writing I spoke of the attack that happened upon me.  It was the worst experience in my life and even though it was many years ago it's like it was yesterday and for that I am truly passionate about these wonder devices I sell.  I started this business to help you make it through an attack with the least bit of harm to you. 

In my time self defense weapons weren't allowed to be purchased by citizens.  Fighting on the street meant you and the attacker with nothing in between and believe me you do not want to have an attacker jump out at you and not be prepared with self defense devices.  
If you don't want to purchase defense tools you should always have something with you that can be used to your benefit.  A pocket full of change, an umbrella, keys tightly held between your fingers, high heals, pens, any of these items can be used defensively.  

Whether you choose to purchase self defense devices or not, keep these handy items in mind as they too can prevent you from serious harm in the event of an attack. 

The next time you are walking to or from your car, shopping, out partying, in the park think about your safety and what you could do to help yourself.  Take the necessary steps, prepare and never ever give up.  

This advice comes to you because we truly do care. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Real Estate Professionals should Carry Self Defense Devices

If you work in the Real Estate Industry you need to purchase self defense devices as soon as possible.  Do you realize that you are one of the top profession risks in today's society?

It's no wonder you are at a high risk.  Think about it, you are dealing with strangers on a daily basis.  Taking these people into homes, condos, rentals, businesses alone and unarmed is very dangerous.

For the most part the many people you are dealing with are good citizens and there isn't any harm about to come your way, however there are some out there who pretend to be someone looking for their ideal spot and are only there to get you alone somewhere to attack.  This is a simple way for the common criminal to get what he/she wants.  This profession makes it easy.

If for any reason while meeting an individual to do business with, you feel something isn't quite right, it isn't right, trust your instincts and never second guess yourself.  Excuse yourself from this situation however you can, do not take them out alone.  Always let someone know where you are going, whether it is an associate, your boss, your friends, your family members.  Checking in with any of these trusted people and having them do the same is simply smart.

Never walk in front of your clients, always follow behind them when showing properties.  Stay near doorway entrances so you have an easy out if necessary.  There's no reason for you to get in front of them and allow yourself to be trapped inside.

Always carry self defense devices with you on your person and in your vehicle.  With the many varieties available today you have a number of choices to pick from.  Self defense sprays are amongst the most popular and can defend you sufficiently.  These defense tools are compact, easily carried without drawing attention, affordable and easy to operate.

Other great self defense device options you should consider are personal alarms, stun guns and taser guns.  All these tools are designed to help aid you in prevention and if used properly will do as they are meant to.

None of these self defense weapons can help you if you choose not to carry them.  Always have yourself in ready mode; you will never know when you will need it most.

Your Home is your Castle. Protect it.

Your home is your castle.  Whether you own, rent or sub-lease it's your domain and where you choose to live so take the time to secure and keep everyone in it safe from harm.

Depending on where you live you may have the opportunity of great neighbors who take the time and look out for others in their surrounding area.  If this is you, you are one of the lucky ones who have this added measure.  Many today live in areas that homes are more spread out and don't have the luxury of someone close paying attention to their home or neighbors who just simply don't care to, for this and many other reasons you need to take control of your home security to keep your domain safe from break-ins and home invasions.

Many choose to have a firearm handy in their homes in case they need to fend off someone who enters the home.  This obviously is the first choice many would make as it is a lethal method of defense and in your home you have the right to defend in this manner.

However for many having a firearm in their home just isn't an option and that's alright as there are many less-lethal ways of protecting you, your loved ones and your castle.

Self defense devices such as a Taser gun can provide you with a less-lethal means of protection, this defense device will take down a criminal immediately allowing you to either tie the criminal up or run from the home to safety and call the police.

Home security measures can be met with many options available today.  You can have a complete surveillance system installed and hooked up to a monitoring company or you can purchase a variety of Home Alarms and place throughout the home, they will sound if an intruder is trying to enter.

Most homeowners have a surveillance system in place and should be utilizing it faithfully every time they enter and leave the home.  They should also be alarming it when they retire for the night.  This is the most effective of all security measures.  Many homes have sliding glass doors off the back of the home so we suggest the homeowner purchase a Door Brace Alarm also.  Most criminals will attempt to enter the home through these doors as they are the easiest to break through.

Renters and sub-leaser individuals may not have this option so they need to purchase other methods to achieve security within their homes.  Criminals do become deterred by hearing the sound of a dog barking, they don't want to risk being attacked once they step foot inside your house.  If you don't have a dog we suggest you purchase the Barking Dog Alarm.  This alarm sounds as if you have a very large dog in your home and in most cases will chase the burglar away.

These alarms as well as all the Home Alarms we offer are a smart addition to your living space and well worth the small investment.  They are also removable and can be taken elsewhere.  There are many style Home Alarms to choose from, Window Alarms, Door Alarms and Motion Detector Alarms.  They all work sufficiently and will sound when activated.

Become pro-active in your home protection today.  It doesn't matter where or what you live in, break-ins and home invasions have increased dramatically in today's world.  You can help prevent these types of crimes from happening in your domain simply by taking the first steps in your home security.

Self Defense Sprays help in many Ways besides Protection!

I came across this article on self defense sprays and its many uses.  Great article for those who are interested in protecting their gardens!  Purchasing self defense sprays gives you many options not just for personal protection needs.  Very informational read on!

Pepper spray is a natural pesticide and an effective deterrent to many garden pests and wildlife. Hot peppers of the genus Capsicum contain capsaicin, which gives peppers the "heat" that spices up food. Capsaicin is an irritant to most mammals and thus an effective repellant. You can make your own pepper spray, ensuring that all ingredients are organic.

Safety of Pepper Spray
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has evaluated capsaicin, the compound extracted from hot peppers and used in commercial pepper sprays, for safety. It is considered a biochemical pesticide, since it is a naturally occurring compound. It repels pests without harming them, and it is acceptable as a repellant for birds, voles, deer, rabbits, squirrels and insects. Capsaicin pesticides should not be used near waterways, however, as the effects of high concentrations of capsaicin on aquatic life are unknown. Gardeners should keep even a homemade pepper spray away from natural bodies of water and koi ponds. (See References 1) Wear gloves and goggles when applying pepper spray in the garden. It is an irritant that can cause a burning sensation in the eyes and on the skin. Do not spray on windy days.

Squirrels are garden pests that forage on seeds, flower bulbs and vegetables in both urban and rural settings. Rabbits forage on a wide range of vegetables and flowers, as do voles, or meadow mice. Deer, though lovely to observe, can be very destructive as they feed in the garden. Pepper spray can be effective against all these pests. No mammals, except humans, consume hot peppers containing capsaicin; they find contact with capsaicin irritating and will avoid it. (See References 2) Research presented at a USDA National Wildlife Research Center Symposia demonstrated that squirrels avoided sunflower hearts treated with capsaicin even when hungry. Squirrels that tasted the treated seeds seemed distressed and tried to wipe off their muzzles.

Birds can be pests in the garden, destroying ripening fruit and berries. Birds eat hot pepper seeds and have no aversion to eating garden produce sprayed with pepper spray. However, birds do find powdered peppers containing capsaicin irritating and may avoid contact with the powder. (See References 3)

Commercial pepper sprays are available at garden centers; the active ingredient should be capsaicin. To make your own pepper spray, soak 2 tbsp. ground red pepper overnight in gallon of water. Add 6 drops of dish soap --- a natural vegetable-based soap like castile soap, not an anti-bacterial soap --- and place the mixture in a spray bottle. To make pepper spray using fresh peppers, chop 1/2 lb. hot peppers and soak overnight in a gallon of water. Add 6 drops of dish soap and put the mixture in a spray bottle. Thoroughly spray the plants, wearing goggles and gloves. (See References 4)
  1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Capsaicin Final Registration Review Decision; October 1, 2010
  2. University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Effectiveness of Capsaicin as a Repellent to Birdseed Consumption by Gray Squirrels; 1995
  3. University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Review of Bird Repellants; 1998
  4. University of Florida Extension: Home Remedies for Insect and Disease Control on Plants
  1. Clemson University Extension: Less Toxic Insecticides
About the Author
Diana Lea is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin with more than 20 years of technical writing experience. She is a certified Florida master gardener and writes extensively on gardening topics for various websites.

Self Defense Weapons only Work if you Carry them

Have you thought about purchasing you or a loved one self defense weapons?  If you have, you are on the right track in personal protection.  One of the most important components of purchasing these self defense devices is carrying them.

What good are these defense tools if you don't have them with you?  If you don't carry a cell phone how is 911 going to help you?  These questions raise much concern to me as many who may be making the smart decisions in purchasing defense tools do not take the initiative to make it a habit in carrying them.

For some the reality of today's world has hit hard with severe force and has prompted the majority to buy such items as Self defense sprays, Stun guns and Taser products.  These less-lethal weapons are designed to help aid you in your personal safety but if one doesn't consistently take their weapons on the road with them they certainly will not perform as they are meant to.

Self defense devices should be an important factor in everyone's daily routine.  You get up, take a shower, get dressed, drink your coffee and right before you are ready to leave your home for work there lay your car keys.  You grab them as you can't go anywhere without them, that's where your self defense device should be placed, right with your car keys.  Attach it if you must to remember it, no excuses, mishaps, it is there and you take it.

One will never know if and when an attacker will approach.  You must be prepared at all times, attacks happen very quickly, within seconds so time is of the essence.  You took the first step in purchasing yourself a self defense device, now it is up to you to make it a task of your everyday routine.

You are safer carrying self defense weapons than not carrying them.  Remember, it's your life on the line, it's you or them, take your safety seriously it can happen to you at anytime or any place.  If a bad situation falls upon you, you'll be glad you had your weapon with you.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Self Defense Products are Important in your Protection

Many without realizing show a reactive response to self defense rather than taking a pro-active method of response.  One needs to become more aware of their safety and surroundings.  Why would anyone want to wait until after an attack to become pro-active in their self defense?  With the many self defense products on the market today there isn't any reason why one should wait, rather you should be preparing in the event you are approached.  In today's world of increasing criminal activities it's vital you prepare instead of allowing something to happen to you.

Self defense products are a smart choice in weaponry carry.  They are less-lethal meaning you won't permanently harm anyone and will help aid you in your defense against attacks.  Women especially are at higher risks of being attacked than men, which is a good reason for women to become familiar and purchase the self defense products available to them today.

Yes it's true that crimes happen more at night, however if you are traveling out and about during daylight hours it's also a good idea to have your self defense products with you, you should carry them at all times no matter what time of day it is.  It's good practice while walking to keep in heavily traffic and in well-lit areas, avoiding dimly lit streets if possible.  Don't leave your home with a lot of jewelry and money and you might want to think about wearing shoes that will allow you to run if necessary, avoiding the cell phone while walking is highly recommended, you don't want distraction, you need to be aware of your surroundings.

Carrying self defense products that are easily concealable and easy to carry should be a common practice anytime you leave your home.  These devices can protect you from a potential attacker.

There are many styles as self defense sprays, stun guns, taser guns, personal alarms available to you today.  These self defense products which ever you choose are designed to do a job, that's help you in your defense.  If used properly they will do exactly that.  If you choose not to purchase or if you do purchase and don't carry it's not going to help you.  This is a very important factor in your defense.

Purchasing self defense products is a wise choice in your defense and if you haven't bought your self defense tool yet you are taking a chance on your safety.  Don't become a victim first, get pro-active and prepare before something happens.  You'll be glad you did.

The Taser C2 perfect Defense Device for Women

Have you thought about if you were attacked without warning if you would be able to survive the attack?  We all want to think that we would do this or do that to come out of the situation unharmed but in reality no one really knows how it will pan out until this type of situation really happens.  You may believe that you know what needs to happen but do you know how to execute it?

The ultimate protection for women carry is the Taser C2.  This self defense device will provide the utmost protection.  You can count on this self defense weapon helping you out of a bad situation.

Taser C2
These self defense devices not only allow you up to 15 feet distance between you and the attacker it comes with a laser light to help in your shooting aim.  This is an important element when using self defense weapons.  It not only gives you distance and lighting for aim, it can penetrate through and up to two inches of clothing.  There are no other weapons on the market other than Taser guns that can provide this superior protection power.

By utilizing the Taser C2 you can take down the attacker in a moment's notice and can also be used as a back-up stun gun if needed.  It's less-lethal and won't permanently harm anyone unlike the stories you have heard or read about.  Using the taser gun repeatedly, meaning shooting someone time after time, on anyone person may in fact harm them sometimes to the point of death, however no one should use this device in that manner as it's not required.  Shooting someone repeatedly is considered abuse of the weapon.

Once you shoot your attacker you can get yourself to safety as soon as possible.  These devices are warranted for life so if you should need to use it in your defense, drop the gun, leave it and go directly to the police department, report the incident and send a copy of the police report to Taser International and they will replace your taser gun for free.  This only applies within the USA.

In these times it's very important that women take control of their safety measures and use the weapon of choice.  Taser guns will give you the best protection your money can buy.

When are you getting yours?

Mace Pepper Gun

Some years ago utilizing self defense sprays mainly evolved around law enforcement agencies as police departments and military personnel in taking control in riot type situations.  Well it is some twenty years later and the general public has been able to purchase these same self defense sprays in the aid of defending oneself.

Mace Pepper Gun
With all the defense sprays available on the market today, it is our opinion that the Mace Pepper Gun is one of the best sprays one can buy.  With its potential to shoot up to 25 feet and spraying the pepper spray out of the gun at 185mph with no fear of blow back you can assure yourself supreme distance unlike any other product on the market today, between you and an attacker and superior spraying power.  This less-lethal self defense weapon is top notch in our book.

With the crime rates increasing everyday many are purchasing themselves self defense devices and rightfully so.  People need to take control of their personal safety as no one will do it for you.  The police seem to be out-numbered these days and simply can't be everywhere at one time.  In most cases the crime has already been committed and you are now a victim rather than a survivor prior to the police getting to the scene.

This isn't acceptable and one must take the necessary steps in preventing you from becoming this same victim.  As we mentioned earlier the Mace Pepper Gun allows you to keep the distance, this is important in defending yourself; you don't want to have contact at all with the attacker if it can be avoided.  You can take control of the situation before the attacker reaches you.

Mace Brand has many other self defense sprays to choose from.  All these self defense devices are very affordable, easily concealed, easy to use and can be carried on you at all times.

Self defense sprays are also available in disguises as pens, cell phones and lipsticks.  They are all small ad can be placed in a shirt pocket, purse or in a holster.

Whether you choose the Mace Pepper Gun, Mace Brand pepper sprays or any other type of self defense sprays you want to command an element of surprise on your attacker.  Don't let out that you are carrying a self defense weapon as this allows the attacker the opportunity to fend off the pepper spray or in the worst scenario take it from yo.

Always remember to practice with your newly purchased self defense devices, carry it with you at all times and have it in ready mode.  It won't help you if you choose not to carry it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Being Pro-Active in your Defense is just plain Smart

There's no question about it, crime is at an all time high and only continues to rise.  Just because you may believe that you live or work in an environment that's safer than others doesn't mean that you are automatically exempt from becoming a target of a violent crime.  It's a crucial aspect of anyone's daily routine to think hard about your safety and what measures you are or have taken to keep you safe.

It becomes a personal matter when you come down to it.  You have the right to defend you.  Taking a pro-active attitude in your home or personal protection so you can help aid yourself in the event of an attack can in fact save your life.

We at Personal Protection and More can help you in your defense.  We offer many self defense devices to fit everyone's needs.  Self defense sprays, stun guns, taser guns and personal alarms to name a few.

It's our belief and should be yours also that no one has the right to touch you especially in a harmful manner.  It's up to you to prevent this from happening.  No one can do this for you.

Take the necessary action in your personal protection.  Hesitation is not an option, it's better to be prepared than not.  If you never need to use the self defense devices and we hope you never will it would still have been the smartest purchase choice you could have made.

Taking a pro-active approach, paying very close attention to your surroundings and carrying self defense devices is smart in today's society.  Don't wait on what can be the most important buy you could make.  Purchase self defense devices today.

Business Owners should consider an EXIT Sign Hidden Camera

While you may not be able to prevent an employee from stealing from you, you surely can catch the act on camera.  Retail stores especially are targets of employee thefts as stealing merchandise, supplies, food, handing merchandise off to friends and even taking cash while they are on the job.

It's not enough you need to worry about the common criminal breaking in your establishment after hours you shouldn't need to worry about employee thefts too.  Well there is a way to capture any theft activities within your space.

Exit Sign Hidden Camera

By placing Hidden Cameras throughout the store the employers can monitor activities that are going on within the spaces these cameras are placed.  They not only will capture footage of the employees but footage of any criminal activity that may occur during open and closed business hours.  We suggest purchasing the EXIT Sign Hidden Cameras; its inconspicuous design will fool even the wisest of the wisest.

A major concern today is that criminals have figured out a way to disarm security systems, this has happened to others, but the one camera they didn't disarm was the EXIT Sign Hidden Camera.  Why would they have?  This camera is so unique in its disguise no one thought it was capturing footage of the theft happening at the time of disarming the store owner's security system.  Hung over the store entrances it just appears as a normal sign.

Because the store owner made a wise decision to purchase the EXIT Sign Hidden Camera, the police were able to apprehend the thieves.  What more could you want?  Purchase yours today.

Monday, March 26, 2012

You are Safer with Pepper Spray than without it

Self defense sprays are less-lethal and very popular with agencies as police officers, security and military personnel as well as private citizens and with successful results.  If used properly, this self defense device can disable an attacker temporarily and allow you to safety.  It's safe and effective response will aid you in threats you may come upon.

Although pepper sprays are legal in most states for carry by private citizens there are some that have restrictions on use and sizing.  Be sure to check with your local and state laws prior to purchasing self defense sprays or any other types of self defense weapons.

If you own self defense sprays and plan on traveling and taking your spray along, I would check with the airlines in regards to whether or not you can pack it.  You don't want to be arrested because you took it with you unknowingly.  The airlines have certain guidelines to follow so prior to packing make sure you contact them.

In order for self defense sprays to perform to their fullest you must make sure you spray it directly to the eyes, nose and mouth area.  By doing so, it will cause severe eye tearing with temporary blindness, burning sensation and shortness of breath.  These affects will last up to 45 minutes allowing you time to escape.

If you should need to use your self defense spray, never warn the attacker you are about to spray them.  You want to have an element of surprise and not let him have a chance to take it from you.  Surprising the attacker is best, warning the attacker will only put you at a greater risk.

Law Enforcement agencies use their weak hand when spraying a criminal so their stronger hand is free to strong hold if necessary, given this information you may want to practice shooting your pepper spray in this same manner.

If at all possible don't let the attacker get any closer than ten feet, this said make sure the pepper spray you purchase will go further than this footage.  Self defense sprays effects may take a moment to kick in so by allowing some distance between you and the attacker is a smart idea.  

Whether you are using foam, gel, stream or fogger models there is a great chance you will get some blow back, wind can do this or having direct contact with the attacker after you have sprayed them.

Practicing with self defense sprays will prove to be extremely beneficial to you.  You will become very familiar with how it works, sprays and how far it will go.  This actually helps you in knowing that your pepper spray does work and you have the experience in shooting it.  Remember, if you do need to spray someone in defense you will need to replace the unit as soon as possible so you are not without protection.

By practicing you can also develop a feel for the pepper spray canister.  You don't want to have to really look at it prior to using it, you want to know it, aim it and fire it without having to think to much.

Be carrying self defense spray in your hand while walking to and from places allows you to be ready at all times.  Don't bury it in your pocketbook.  You also need to watch on how it fits in your pants pocket, by placing the spray in your pocket you may not be able to retrieve it quickly enough.  If you are one who chooses to holster it, place the canister inside the holster upside down, I say this because you want it in the right direction when you draw it.  By placing it upside down in the holster you will automatically have it in the right position to fire.

Everyone has different effects when sprayed.  You may spray one and they will have immediate effects while the next person is only mildly affected.  You will not necessarily know this upon spraying the attacker.  A general guideline to follow is that people who are drug users, alcohol induced or deranged tend to not be affected by pepper sprays.

Pepper sprays are also good for warding off a violent animal attack.  Using the pepper spray on the animal can stop them from attacking you and no one will be the wiser.  It will not permanently harm the animal.

Having self defense sprays with you at all times to defend you is an excellent option.  You will be much safer having it than you would be not having it.  Purchase yours today.


Women who choose to Defend are Wise

Let's face it, in today's world many women are feeling insecure moving about on the streets, shopping, jogging or whatever it is they are venturing into whether it be in daylight or darkness and rightfully so.  It's gotten to the point of not knowing whether or not something might happen as soon as you leave your home.  As the media displays the acts of violence coupled with the immaturity of some younger generation and the increase of drug use as well as just being plain bad the crime rate has increased two-fold.

Mostly all women are very aware of reported rapes by criminals and are recognizing that they need to secure themselves by purchasing self defense weapons and possibly even taking defense training classes.  This is no laughing matter.  Women who have become pro-active in their personal safety will come out knowing how and what to do in the event they are approached. 

Self defense sprays are a very useful tool in defending oneself and are carried by many in today's society.  Pepper sprays will provide you the necessary advantage against an attacker as the criminal may be hesitant in approaching you when you draw your spray as they know it will hurt them if sprayed.

Self defense sprays are mostly purchased online and have proven to be quite effective in crime prevention.  Law Enforcement agencies has successfully used pepper sprays and so should you.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Having a Security Plan can only help You and your Family

It looks like it's going to be a gorgeous day today and I'm sitting here thinking about people and I'm asking myself; are they keeping themselves safe from intruders and street attackers?  I'm wondering if these same people ever sit back and take a look at what's around them and if they are taking steps to secure their safety both in the home and with their personal self.  

Many have diligently provided protection and many simply choose not to think about it or maybe have and place it on the back burner as it's not important enough therefore, not taking any measures to keep them and their families safe.  

Maybe some believe that securing their homes and personal self is just too expensive and think they can't afford it.  This couldn't be further from the truth.  With the abundance of products on the market today you can inexpensively purchase home security products as well as self defense devices.  

You don't have to buy an expensive surveillance system, rather you can utilize home alarms throughout, on windows and doors.  You can also place motion detectors about your home.  There's even a phone alarm that senses motion and will call up to five people you direct it to call in the event someone enters your home.  Hidden cameras are another option to explore.  These cameras look like ordinary household items that no one would expect to be recording.  There are other means of securing your home without spending a fortune.

In terms of self defense devices, there is a plentiful variety of options to explore.  Self defense sprays, stun guns, taser guns, batons, personal alarms, the list is endless.  These defense tools come in different styles, sizes, voltage levels, are very compact and affordable.

Crimes as home invasions, robbery, rape and murder is scary and this could be the reason why many choose not to think about it.  Yes, it's a very scary thought but one that needs to be addressed and treated with high priority.  This is one subject area that should not be ignored.  Rather it should be discussed with family members, thought out carefully and executed.  You can't have a proper solution if you don't have a good plan.

Maybe it's because people just believe that this will never happen to them, let's hope it never does.  If you are one of those who believe you will never be victimized you need to change your way of thinking.  I'm not saying to run around in a paranoid state, what I am saying is that it can happen to you at any given time and place. Isn't it better to be prepared than sorry you didn't take care of your home and personal protection when you could have?

It doesn't matter where you are anymore, the criminal's have taken their businesses and expanded into areas that you never would have thought to be targeted. 

In the end, having awareness and taking the initial steps in securing your home and self is crucial and should be taken very seriously.  Once you device a plan, act on it, purchase your defense devices, know your security measures and what to do if needed will only help you and your family in the end.  Now I'd say that is worth it wouldn't you?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Are you Prepared to Defend Yourself?

You find yourself having to work later than usual, it's now dark out and you are ready to leave work.  You head out to your car and discover yours is the only vehicle left in the parking garage.  As you suddenly hear footsteps coming in your direction your heart starts to beat rapidly, you turn to see who's behind you and you now realize you are in great danger.  Do you have self defense devices with you or are you left to fend off the danger you are about to face?  If you are one of the people who chose to become pro-active in their personal safety and had a self defense weapon with you and in ready mode kudos to you!  This scenario here has happened to others and can in fact happen to you.

We can't stress enough on the importance of your personal safety and that it shouldn't be taken with a grain of salt.  These situations happen very often and no one is an exception to this type of crime.  Criminal's are everywhere and lurk in dark corners, behind shrubs, alley ways, walk right up to you on the street and you will most likely not know what's going to happen until a matter of seconds prior.

Carrying weapons as self defense sprays, stun guns, batons or taser guns will help defend you.  Just purchasing these self defense devices isn't enough though.  You need to learn its use to the point you are confident on how it works and your ability to use it.  Practice with your new device until you are fully versed and feel comfortable knowing that someday you just might need to use it.

Paying close attention to your surroundings, showing confidence at all times and utilizing self defense devices properly can only help you so get pro-active, purchase yourself tools that will keep you safer and take your personal safety serious.  Attacks happen very quickly and it's a matter of whether or not you choose to be a victim or stand your ground and take control over the situation.

The choice is yours.

Purchase Self Defense Sprays for your Personal Protection today

Statistically the number of individuals who have become a victim of a violent crime is nothing to shrug your shoulders at and these numbers only indicate the crimes that have been reported.  Given this information should be enough for you to want to purchase yourself and your loved ones some sort of self defense devices. 

It's no secret on all the crimes that are taking place throughout the United States, you see the news, read the newspapers and perhaps it's happened to some you know.  So the question is; why aren't you purchasing you self defense devices in your personal safety effort?  As you already know there are many tools on the market for you to choose today.

Self defense sprays are top sellers and will become a very useful tool in your defense.  While these devices are plentiful for purchase you should learn about the different styles and forms prior to purchasing.  There are stream pattern, fog pattern, foam pattern and gel pattern methods.

Stream Pattern
Stream pattern self defense spray will allow a distance shooting up to 25 feet depending on which style you choose.  This can serve to be very beneficial in your defense not letting the attacker getting too close; however with the stream pattern your aim can be crucial in hitting the target correctly for it to perform to its fullest.

Fog Pattern

Fog pattern allows up to 12 feet distance and forms a cloud like spray between you and the attacker.  It's made with a very fine grain that is more effective than the coarse grains of most other pepper sprays.  It's great in multiple attacker situations.

Foam Pattern
Foam pattern will spray up to 10 feet distance and when it hits the targets face it sticks to them like glue, most foam sprays also have a UV dye which colors the attackers face so there's a better chance the police will be able to apprehend the suspect.

Pepper Gel Pattern

 Pepper Gel gives you up to 18 feet distance depending on the size canister you purchase.  Pepper Gel has many features as longer distance range, stronger pepper mixture, sticks to the target like glue and it's also less contaminating and nonflammable.  When sprayed the Pepper Gel acts like glue.  If the attacker attempts to wipe the Pepper Gel away it begins to permeate the skin leaving your attacker in pain.  If used properly indoors you don't have to worry about over spray, as it will stay in the direction where it is sprayed and will not affect others in close proximity.  The method I am referring to here is the 18% Wildfire Gel.

All these self defense sprays are less-lethal and will not cause any permanent damage.  They are very affordable, compact, work well if used properly and will allow you enough time to get to safety. 

Don't hesitate in your personal safety.  Purchase yours today.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

For the Outdoor Enthusiat

If you live on the east coast then you know what a mild winter we have had this year.  Yeah!!  As great as this was to me I'm sure it was to others as well.  That being said, spring is here and many of you have already been doing many activities outside your home.

It's wonderful to see all of you out there walking, jogging and bicycling.  Great exercising activities which will definitely keep you in shape however let me caution you on your personal safety while you are out there enjoying the weather and staying in shape.

Mace Pepper Jogger
As all of you like being outdoors so are the criminals.  This means you need to pay closer attention to your surroundings, stay diligent on your personal safety, as the saying goes, eyes around the entire head as these criminals are lurking about and waiting on choosing their next victim.  If you haven't purchased your self defense sprays as of yet, please do and if you have already purchased one make sure you are carrying it with you at all times and have it readily available to use if needed.  Make sure it's working properly prior to leaving the house and also check the expiration date.

Hot Walker Pepper Spray
Always look as confident as you possibly can, walk with meaning, like you know where you are going even if you don't.  Stay very alert, never let your guard down and always trust your instincts.  If something doesn't feel right, it's not right.  Never second guess yourself.  These are crucial elements besides carrying self defense sprays that should be practiced whenever you are outside your home doing activities in the park, walking trails or just plain out somewhere.

If you are the outdoor enthusiast make sure you are extra cautious and carrying your self defense sprays.  It will only help you.

Self Defense Sprays will Help in this Crazy World we Live in

It's unfortunate that we don't have this perfect world that we would like to envision, if we did we wouldn't have to be so diligent in self protection.  We can only hope that it will get better however with the way our economy is it'll only worsen over time.

Did you know that robberies occur every 60 seconds, a woman is raped every 5.5 minutes, someone will be assaulted every 35.5 seconds and murder occurs every 32.4 minutes?

One may not want to believe these numbers but it's the facts.  So how do we get pro-active in our personal defense and take control of our safety?  We can do this by purchasing and carrying self defense sprays.

Mace Pepper Gun
Self defense sprays are capable of incapacitating an attacker for up to 45 minutes.  This is enough time for you to escape to safety.  These self defense devices are less-lethal and will only temporarily incapacitate and will not cause any permanent harm.  Pepper sprays, depending on which model you choose can spray up to 25 feet, with some only spraying up to 8 feet, this allows you great distance between you and the attacker so you don't have to wait until he or she is on top of you.  If you feel you are in danger, by no means should you hesitate in utilizing your self defense spray.

Pepper Gard Spray
Caution when using self defense sprays, accuracy matters with most pepper sprays.  You need to spray the attacker to the facial area for it to perform correctly.  Depending on which form you choose this is crucial in your defense.  By using an S pattern or spraying from ear to ear will help in hitting the target more accurately.   These devices are small, easily hidden and are very affordable.  When purchasing self defense sprays it's also a good idea to get an Inert Practice Spray as well.  This will allow you to learn how the spray works and practice with your aim, highly recommended.

Take your personal safety seriously; become pro-active in defending you and your loved ones.  By taking control you can safely get away from an attacker, hesitation is not an option in today's world, now is the time to get the necessary personal protection.

Get your Self Defense Sprays today

Lipstick Pepper Spray
Self defense sprays commonly known as OC is a personal self defense device and when properly used it will aid you in defending against an attacker.  It's an inflammatory agent and will cause severe tearing, temporary blindness, shortness of breath and a burning sensation to the skin.

Law Enforcement Agencies have been using self defense sprays for many years and rely on it daily.  Besides self defense sprays helping police officers and the like they have been available to the general public for a long time now.

One of the best features about self defense sprays is that they don't rely on pain to incapacitate, meaning if an individual is using drugs or alcohol or is disturbed emotionally the inflammatory agent will still perform.  This is an important factor to know while utilizing pepper sprays in defense mode.  If your attacker were to be high on either of these items you can still reap the benefits of the self defense spray working.

If you should need to defend yourself with self defense sprays make sure you aim directly to the eyes or it may not work to its fullest potential.  If using stream style spray it's important to use a back and forth motion to the eyes, using an ear to ear movement.

Self defense sprays are an affordable solution to your self protection and if used properly they will do the job they are meant to. 

Remember when choosing self defense weapons no matter if it's a pepper spray, stun gun or taser gun learn your weapon, practice until you know it thoroughly so there won't be any second guessing when it comes time to actually use it.  Be aware of your surroundings and always take your weapon with you at all times.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

There are many individuals who have chosen to carry self defense devices as a way of protecting them and those they love from harm, and yet there are many who choose not to carry these weapons and don't have any plan set in self protection needs. 

18% Wildfire Gel
For those who do carry, there have been many amongst them who have already had to use their self defense devices to defend themselves.  This particular group of people are surely glad they had some sort of self defense devices on them at that moment and will continue to carry for future use.  Why?  Because if used properly they work.  As simple as that.

For those who choose not to carry, beware, crime is all around you and yes it can happen to you.  I know many people take their personal safety for granted, going about their daily lives without giving thought to the possibility of them becoming someones next victim.  If this is how you choose to live you should reconsider and think about your options.

One in every five women will be a victim of a violent crime during their lifetime.  Do you want to be one of these statistics?  Most of these violent crimes are performed by someone you know and would least expect to hurt you. 

Telescopic Stun Baton
By carrying self defense devices you can increase your odds of survival dramatically from being victimized.  Doesn't this give you a better sense of self than not having any weaponry, using only what strength you have, this won't be much when you are fighting against a man who is two to three times your size or up against more than one.   

The only possible way you may get through an attack is if you have some sort of martial arts or tactical training under your belt.  There are many who do have this training, however for most it isn't practiced and takes years of training to perfect.

Taser C2
For you individuals and you know who you are who have chosen not to carry, change your mindset, become pro-active in your defense and purchase self defense devices.  They are very affordable, come in different styles and types and they work.

Don't take your personal safety for granted, take the step and buy yourself a self defense device today.