About Us!

We started this business because we care and are dedicated in helping you purchase the right self defense equipment for your protection needs. Your safety is our business and we will continue to provide you with quality self defense weapons at the lowest possible prices. Shop Us! We continually offer great deals! If you find a product on another web store of exact match and the price is lower we will match that price. Guaranteed!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Every Woman Should Carry a Self Defense Weapon

In today’s world it has unfortunately become a necessity for everyone to learn self defense especially women. Attacks reported on women have shown that many of them actually knew their attackers. Given this, it’s even more imperative that women pay closer attention to their surroundings and don’t take anything for granted. Trusting can be dangerous. Women who know and trust the potential attacker most likely will not be able to foresee a possible attack. This being said, it is a wise decision for women to choose and purchase self defense weapons. Preparation is a key component in defense and making sure you are carrying it is crucial.

In today’s market self defense weapons have grown considerably and the laws in most states have made it virtually easy for one to purchase these wonder devices. One of my favorites for women carry is self defense sprays and personal alarms. These items are less-lethal self defense products that can be purchased as disguised tools or in traditional styling.

Many self defense sprays are compact in size and are made for carrying easily in a pocket or on a keychain. This allows for immediate access to your defense device in the event you should need to use it.

Personal alarms are another great self defense products to have on you. These alarms are small, easily carried and are meant to be heard. Carrying one of our alarms along with self defense spray will definitely help you out of a bad situation. The loud noise that these alarms protrude will bring much needed attention to your direction. The higher the decibel number the louder the alarm is, that being said, my suggestion would be the 130db personal alarm. This very small compact alarm will definitely protrude enough sound when it alarms. It’s easily carried and you should really consider purchasing yourself one. Personal alarms are also great if you are an avid traveler. They come in many forms and styles. You might also want to look into our home alarms as well. These small wonders can travel with you where ever you go and can be placed on windows and doors. Don’t leave home without them. These personal and home alarms are meant to be heard are very compact to carry and are very affordable.

Women should also consider purchasing a stun gun. While this form of self defense device will require you to have direct contact with the attacker, they are a must have. Seeing as you would probably be in the situation of contact, I would strongly suggest you get yourself one. These devices use high voltage with low amperage which will temporarily disable the attacker.

I have only begun to touch base with all the many self defense weapons that are available on the market today. Purchasing a self defense product is a personal choice and will depend on which one is right for you. Always remember! If you don’t carry your weapon it certainly can’t help you.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Help yourself in the prevention of being robbed

Most robbery crimes inflicted on women are purse snatches while acts against men are primarily muggings and/or a hold-up.

I’m sure that most of us know that paying close attention to our surroundings coupled with using basic common sense can seriously reduce this sort of crime. These particular crimes are occurring mainly between the hours of 6pm to 6 am, meaning its best that you stay inside if at all possible during these times. As crazy as it may seem to stay in your home during the hours I mention above, if at all possible while you may have to go out you should consider bringing along a buddy. Criminals frown on approaching people when they come in doubles. While we all can’t live our lives afraid of leaving our homes, it’s imperative that we take strong measures against the possibility of becoming a victim.

Keep these handy tips in the back of your mind before venturing out from your home, office or anywhere you may be:

When walking position yourself so you are facing oncoming traffic and walk close to the street side of the sidewalks. Always stay away from unlit streets and darkened corners.

When traveling about in the dark hours, never take a lot of cash and credit cards with you, only carry what you can afford to lose. It might be safer if you consider carrying another wallet with a very small amount of cash, this being the one you would give up if approached. When approached and demanded to hand over your wallet, you might consider doing so but throwing it away from the criminal making the robber go for the wallet. This might give you a window of opportunity to escape to safety. If at all possible try to memorize their description so you can report the crime to the police.

As I stated above, walk or jog with a partner. Criminals will very rarely approach you in numbers. If you are one who has to use public transportation as a means of commuting, make sure you are waiting for your bus or train in a well-lit and crowded area if possible.

Never hitchhike or pickup anyone, this is a disaster waiting to happen. While walking or even driving your vehicle, do not take shortcuts that may put you in a deselant area.

While approaching your parked vehicle, always make sure you check inside for someone hiding, Look underneath your car while approaching to make sure no one is hiding. If you see a van or similar vehicle parked next to you with people hanging around in and out of it as you are approaching, you might want to go back inside to where you were and ask for assistance. If you must park your car make sure it’s in a well-lit lot.

You might want to consider carrying less-lethal self defense weapons with you, by doing so you can possibly decrease your chances of becoming a victim. Don’t over step your boundaries with what you carry. Make sure you can handle it and are comfortable using it on someone if needed.

What can you do to help you prevent being robbed?

In order for you to fight back you need confidence in yourself that you can in fact fight back and get through a bad situation. By having self awareness, paying close attention to your surroundings and most of all confidence, you can do it. Years of training aren’t necessary it’s your basic instincts that will help in the prevention from becoming a victim.

In today’s market there are many self defense weapons that can also help you. While taking all the above referenced into consideration and adding a self defense spray, stun gun or TASER you will surely be able to defend yourself. These devices come in many styles, forms, colors and are very affordable. Spending $10 on a pepper spray is worth your life don’t you think? If you should choose to purchase one of these great devices always remember, if you don’t carry it, it can’t help you. Make it second nature, keep it on the counter where your keys are so you grab it too as you leave.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Self Defense Spray is a great choice in Weaponry

htWith the many choices in self defense weapons upon us, including firearms, stun guns, TASER, knives, and pepper sprays it's difficult in making the right choice. Pepper spray is a great option as it is safe, easy to use, small and compact for carrying and doesn't require you to have contact with your attacker in order to use it.

Pepper spray is an outstanding less-lethal self defense weapon, which makes this small device one of the most popular tools on the market today. For those of us who just aren't cut out to carry a firearm or a knife for weaponry self defense spray fits everyone's needs. Less-lethal weapons do not cause everlasting harm to your potential attacker and can also be used on animals if needed. Pepper sprays will provide enough ailing symptoms to your attacker to allow you plenty of time to get to safety. These symptoms include coughing, choking, extreme eye tearing and even temporary blindness. The effects will last up to 45 minutes or so with a continuation of after effects for up to two hours.

Pepper spray comes in a variety of sizes and styles. Many of which are designed to be carried on your person, in your handbag, a jacket pocket or pant pocket. Some styles such as the lipstick pepper spray are very concealable, look just like a tube of lipstick and will definitely take your would-be attacker by surprise.

Before you think about purchasing any self defense weapon, you must be able to feel comfortable enough to carry and use it if necessary. Carrying any device will not do you any good if you are not going to use it if and when you may need to. Self defense spray, unlike other personal protection products; are very easy to use. It's as simple as pointing and shooting. With some forms of pepper spray you do however need to have an accurate aim while others such as the foam style you do not have to be so on target. This is something to consider when purchasing your self defense spray. With pepper sprays you don't have to spend time figuring out what to do with it, in the spirit of the moment that's the last thing you want to have to worry about. Point, press the button, shoot and your pepper spray will be expelled towards your attacker's face. This device does not require much skill to successfully be used.

If you choose to use weaponry such as knives and guns it is most likely your would-be attacker will see your retaliation coming, with self defense spray it's the opposite as you can carry pepper sprays that come in disguise! This allows you to pull your weapon without the attacker realizing what you have, that is until it's too late! The element of surprise can allow you much valuable time to aim the spray and shoot right into the attacker's face.

What's really great about self defense spray is that you do not have to be in physical contact with an attacker. Depending on which pepper spray you choose you can literally have up to 25 feet of distance. Pepper spray is one of the most commonly used self defense weapons on the market today and with the affordability you can't afford not to purchase one of these small wonders.

Always remember to carry your weapon; it can't help you if you don't carry it.