Self defense sprays have been around for many years. Pepper sprays overall effectiveness depends on the Scoville Heat Units. Self Defense Sprays should be at 2 million SHU in order for them to properly work on your attacker. Pay attention to that when purchasing.
Pepper Sprays Oleoresin Capsicum will cause eye tearing profusely, possible temporary blindness, massive coughing and difficulty breathing. Self Defense Sprays will drop the attacker and cause a lot of pain. Self Defense Sprays are extremely reliable in its affects on people who may be using drugs or alcohol while other methods of self defense weapons will not. Self Defense Sprays come in different strengths, usually between 10% and 18%. This will definitely effect someone who has been sprayed to feel the painful affects and will last up to 45 minutes with aftermath lasting up to 2 hours. Don't hang around with the attacker after using your pepper spray. Get the job done and get out of there promptly.
The Oleoresin Capsicum is derived from oil and doesn’t mix very well with water. Do not touch the affected area with your hands and then touch yourself elsewhere you will only spread its affects. If do spread it to other parts of the body you will feel burn sensations and could lead to blisters, this can last for quite some time.
Self Defense Sprays come in a large variety of styles, from what looks like an ordinary pen to a compact lipstick you can easily carry in a pocket or purse, or as a one pound canister for your home. Many don't think about purchasing self defense spray for their home, you might want to as the one pound canister's can certainly help in a home invasion. Self Defense Sprays have a shelf life of approximately 3 to 4 years. Checking your pepper spray on a regular basis for leaks and that it hasn't expired as it may lose potency over time.
What are you carrying? If you haven’t tried Self Defense Sprays you should!
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